Here’s Why Event Reminders are Essential for Your Attendance Rates appointment reminders

Published Sep 16th, 2024 by   AddEvent

Events depend on attendance, and there are many reasons why someone just might not attend an event. They might find the price of tickets to be unreasonably high. They might not be able to find a ticket because they are all sold out. It’s also possible they can’t make it at that date or time or that the event venue is too far away. 

But the absolutely worst reason to miss out on an event is because you just forgot about it. Why? Well, because if it’s an event that you can afford to go to, have an interest in attending, and have the time to attend, then it’s worth showing up for when the time comes. If the only reason you skip it is due to a lapse of memory, then there’s a solution for that. 

The Important Role Event Reminder Emails Play in Increasing Event Attendance Rates

Event reminders can be used to remind people of crucial information, like the date and location of the event. Sure, they may have already read this, but they could also have forgotten between the time they signed up for the event and the time when the event is occurring. 

And it’s easy to miss out on an event because you just didn’t pay attention to the details. For example, if people attend an event that happens in one location multiple times in a row but the next event is hosted someplace else (and that’s stated on the ticket or in the notification), there’s a chance that attendees might miss this fact. If the location is similar to the previous one (the street starts with the same letter, for instance), they’ll affirm the wrong information without thinking twice about it.

And it’s not just about how many people purchase a ticket or RSVP to an event. It’s even more important to have people actually show up to the event for the overall experience. And there’s lots of other reasons it’s so important to get people through the door to your event. For one, you want people to show up and engage with you and your event.  And secondly, every person who shows up acts like free PR, posting on social media and sharing with their own network how great your event can be. The use of reminder emails is, therefore, so important to reducing the number of no-shows.

It’s also important to remember that email reminders are easy to ignore. So there’s really no downside; even if they just read the subject title, they’ll be reminded, and the email in question will fulfill its role. In other words, they’re doing what they’re meant to, even without a good CTR. For this reason, however, make sure to craft a solid subject line to hook them from the start. 

Event Reminders Help Prevent Last-Minute Confusion

If it’s an online event that we’re talking about, sending a reminder will improve time zone clarity. 

When you create an event with AddEvent, the timezone you set for your event is what the timezone selector will adjust the time displayed to people viewing your event landing page. When the user accesses the event landing page, the page parses their IP and adjusts the timezone accordingly to the IP location. Let’s be real: attendees are not just sitting around waiting for your event to kick off. Instead, they’re just buying tickets, potentially scheduling it in their own event calendar (if they’re well-organized and responsible), and then they go on with their lives. 

They have to be reminded of the event and everything about it. This is why choosing the right platform for managing your events and their corresponding reminders is crucial. 

An alternative to Eventbrite might offer features that better align with the specific needs of your event and your audience, ensuring that your attendees stay engaged and well-informed. For instance, you can’t just go to the wedding in an attire that you would wear on your night out. You would start to prepare in advance. 

Now, a wedding might be a pretty bad example since some people mold their entire year (or at least a month!) around it, but some other types of events would require more extensive preparation.

If it’s an online event that we’re talking about, the last thing you want is for your attendees to figure out that you’ve sent a faulty link or that there’s a login issue right when your event is about to start. So, you could send a reminder with a test. 

Lastly, an event reminder provides a buffer for unforeseen changes in your potential attendees’ schedules — and can help you to test things ahead of time so your entire event runs smoothly. You can check things, conduct tests, and engage in more extensive preparation. This way, any potential issue will be discovered in time.

More Attendees Who Show Up Equals More Potential Engagement

Managing expectations is the key to having a successful event. Even more importantly, you want to build up the hype. What exactly does this mean? Well, do you remember when you were going to a concert as a teenager? It wasn’t just about a concert; it was about weeks of anticipating it, the journey to the venue, and the pre-game with your friends. 

By regularly reminding attendees of the event, you’re actually increasing their excitement and anticipation. You could even enhance your email reminders with a bit stronger and more creative content. In other words, you can feed them with occasional trivia, which will enhance their anticipation of the event. It’s even better if you use other marketing tools to enhance that regular content.

But why is this best done through event reminders? 

There are a few reasons, but the main one is that you want to build this anticipation in small amounts. This way, you’ll spread their interest over a longer period of time, and you’ll avoid overwhelming them with new information. 

Another way you can improve participation rates is by increasing their education about the event (its purpose, activities, etc.) in advance. After all, people who attend concerts are more likely to sing along if they know the songs.

Event Reminders Enhance Time Management for Potential Attendees

Event management helps attendees plan their day, which is beneficial for both you as the event organizers and them as the attendees. How? Well, because it gives people a chance to prepare and arrive on time and ready to go.

This also minimizes double booking. You don’t want the attendees not showing up because they forgot they’ve booked something else for the same day. Even if they do come, you don’t want them to be mad because they had to skip something else that they’ve been looking forward to. 

This also ensures punctuality. People arriving late are not just displaying bad manners; they’re actually disruptive. Moreover, some events are made to be a part of a whole. Missing an introduction or an important piece of info that was stated early on can be a huge problem. 

Previously, we’ve talked about how weddings are something you plan your entire month or several months around. You buy a present, a new suit or gown, get your hair and other types of treatment scheduled, and more. 

Not all events are as important, and sending out reminders actively prevents forgetting them. Many people would arrive if they remembered but might just completely miss what day it is. This is the worst possible outcome because this is an audience that doesn’t require convincing; they just need a reminder. 

Event Reminders Personalize the Individual Experience

It’s easy to look at events like a natural occurrence, especially when you don’t see people behind the scenes working to help prepare it all. Customized messages build rapport, and this is how you and your attendees can really develop relationships

If you want people to come prepared, you can send them reminders for key segments (VIPs, speakers, etc.). It’s usually very helpful to notify them of these things in advance so that they can actually do some homework. In a way, this will allow them to watch a few of their previous lectures and get familiar with their tone.

By sending relevant updates (venue, schedule changes), you’re not just ensuring their attendance. You’re actually showing them that you value their presence and that their absence will be felt and missed.

All of this makes the event feel more tailored to their own interests and tastes. 

Event Reminders Help Build Brand Loyalty

Consistent communication creates reliability. You need to show them that you’re thinking about them and that you care about their presence. This is incredibly important for allowing them to develop a sense of loyalty to your brand. 

Another thing you need to keep in mind is that it boosts brand visibility with every reminder. The “Rule of Seven” is a marketing principle that claims that, in order to develop a sense of loyalty to your brand, a person would have to interact with your brand at least seven times in order to create a meaningful connection. 

Well, there are three (or two) interactions: learning about the event, buying a ticket (which often happens simultaneously with learning about the event, making it a single interaction), and actually attending the event. 

Another thing you need to remember about this consistent event-calendar-driven re-engagement is that it strengthens the attendee-organizer relationship by creating a sense of familiarity. Even on social media, even if you don’t have people as followers and if you don’t follow them, you’ll remember them if they often pop up in your recommendations, and you might develop brand recognition.

Most importantly, it reinforces your commitment to the event. If you decide to go somewhere and never think about it before the event, you’re more likely to change your mind. With reminders, this will be a lot harder. 

The last thing you need to keep in mind about event reminders is that they’re vital to the success of the event. Without them, you cannot guarantee or maximize your attendance. In other words, they can make or break your event, so you must take them very seriously. 

About the Author

Sonya Newson is a seasoned marketing specialist passionate about driving business growth through strategic online campaigns. With expertise in organic search optimization and targeted marketing initiatives, she has successfully enhanced the digital footprint of numerous brands. A true advocate for meaningful content, Sonya is dedicated to delivering measurable results for her clients.

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